Joho the Blog » [POPTECH] Intro
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I’m at PopTech for the third or fourth year. It’s an eclectic mix of people and topics in a tiny, perfect Maine coastal town. (It’s a tourist town and is thus a tad too perfect.) The speakers are almost all excellent and it’s a great bunch o’ folks who attend.

PopTech is, arguably, the opposite of FOO Camp, the O’Reilly sleep-over I was at last week. PopTech has all of us sitting in a beautiful opera theatre listening to speakers on a stage. FOO was more of a roll-out-of-the-bed experience, except that it was a sleeping bag, not a bed. Both are exceptional.

Ernie “The Attorney” Severson is here and blogging…

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3 Responses to “[POPTECH] Intro”

  1. On the link to Poptech you put a comma instead of a dot. www, Ah well another year of me saying, maybe next year I will make it. :)

  2. Fixed it. Thanks.

  3. David Weinberger on weblogging and PopTech

    David Weinberger on the future of weblogging and many notes from PopTech.

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