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[POPTECH] Interactive Abstraction in Digital Art

Golan Levin has done a concert by carefully ringing the audience’s cell phones. He’s telling us about abstracting from communication processes. For example, he has a web site that lets you create your own alphabet; it looks like you enter a scrawl and it uses evolutionary algorithms to generate the letters.

He also is the one who wrote a program that tests the online popularity of numbers 0-1,000,000. It’s a beautifully designed, interactive site.

He shows an astounding app he wrote that turns your quick scribbles into audible clouds of swirling threads. Impossible to describe but hypnotic.

In another installation, as you speak shapes representing them float out of your shadow. For all its weirdness, it seems exactly right.

Wonderful stuff. His site is

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2 Responses to “[POPTECH] Interactive Abstraction in Digital Art”

  1. I wonder how long it will be before celebrities are selling cloned, copyrighted versions of themselves. It could happen.

  2. Flong via Joho

    Through this, I found and totally loved the performances / pieces on the Flong website, including the audience cellphone ringer concert.

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