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FCC Commissioner on How the FCC Is Killing the Internet

Larry Lessig blogs this remarkable paper from Michael Copps, one of the FCC Commissioners. An excerpt:

This Internet may be dying. It may be dying because entrenched interests are positioning themselves to control the Internet?s choke-points and they are lobbying the FCC to aid and abet them. The founders? vision of the Internet is being exchanged for a constricted and distorted view of technology development, entrepreneurship and consumer preferences. For its part, the Commission has already made serious regulatory miscalculations that could endanger the freedom and lifeblood of the Internet sooner rather than later. We seem to be buying into a warped vision that open networks should be replaced by closed networks and that traditional user accessibility can be superceded by a new power to discriminate. Let this vision prevail and the winners will be entrenched interests with far greater power than they have today…

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3 Responses to “FCC Commissioner on How the FCC Is Killing the Internet”

  1. Wow, you’re at Foo and you still have time to read blogs? Thanks for blogging about Foo — I’m sure there will be lots of blogging about it later, but I’m grateful for these peeks that you’re posting!

  2. FCC Commissioner on How the FCC Is Killing the Internet.

    FCC Commissioner on How the FCC Is Killing the Internet .

  3. Don’t fall for Copps’ demagoguery. He’s the guy who opposed Powell for wanting to free up spectrum from educational/religious broadcasters to be used for WiFi.

    The hysteria over the threat of a closed Internet is just that–hysteria.

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