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Simulated Academics

Edward Castronova, the economist who wrote about the GDP of Norrath, the EverQuest world, has asssembled a group blog that discusses the economics, law and culture of game worlds. It’s serious but it’s also fun and just a tad weird.

The site takes games on their own terms but also watches their intersection with the real world. For example, one entry discusses an article on virtual money by Dave Rickey:

…a company named Black Snow Interactive sued my former employer, Mythic Entertainment, essentially because Mythic blocked access to the “inventory” of Camelot currency that Black Snow was selling through eBay and their own website.

The entry’s author, Julian Dibbel, figures that the market for items and characters bought and sold in the real world is US$20-63M. Impressive.

This is a really interesting site.

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3 Responses to “Simulated Academics”

  1. Thanks for the tip, I’ll take a look.

  2. Real worlds

    David Weinberger points to Terra Nova, the place where the people interested in following, academically, the economics of MMOS such…

  3. Gaming economics

    Both Dave Weinberger and Cory Doctorow linked to a group economic gaming blog started by one of the economic professors at my school. Unfortunately, I have never been able to take one of his classes. I think he is a…

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