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Another Google Trick

While trying to find a free MP3 of the 1812 Overture for my son, I typed “1812 mpg” into Google (sans quotes) by mistake and got a surprise.

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4 Responses to “Another Google Trick”

  1. 1,812 miles per gallon! I guess that’s the specs on the new Hypester 6000 with the fuel cell battery. Now gotta find me a hydrogen fillin station.

    David, thanks for finding the “Use Google to evaluate mathematical expressions,” thing.


  2. This is what you are looking for:

    And it’s not Google.

  3. You may want to take look at It has provides this trick and few others in the past and also general news about google. (Search by location using google)

  4. I recommend you look at Singingfish:

    I find the results there far superior to any of the other places for songs and video. Course, I work for them…

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