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USB Wifi works

My Netgear USB wifi adapter works! Simple install and baddabing! It’s the MA111 model, on sale at NewEgg for $39 after rebate. Cool.

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3 Responses to “USB Wifi works”

  1. Agreed -these USB WiFi sticks look a winner, since lossy cables & connectors no longer a costly factor. Here in NZ the ZyDAS ZD1201 is selling ~ US$40 AND runs the new NetStumbler 0.4. Yah !! => shows one at the focal point oif an old 600mm dish. Numerous APs were noted, including one 8km (5 miles) LOS away.

  2. NZ experiences with USB WiFi adaptors & DIY antenna now gathered lab note style (with many pix) at=>

  3. I would like to ask the distributor of USB Wifi in the Philippines?

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