Joho the Blog » The Price of AKMA’s Soul (Cheap)
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The Price of AKMA’s Soul (Cheap)

[This is a repost. Actually, a re-write. I’d posted it once, which AKMA can confirm because he got the trackback, but now the post is gone. Weird in a way that Movable Type usually isn’t. But it’s hard to see what the operator error could have been in this case.]

So now we know the price of AKMA’s soul: one stinking t-shirt. At least when I struck my deal with Beezelbub, I demanded a night of passion with RageBoy and a 108-hour TiVo. Sweet!

The t-shirt came from Blogware, Tucow’s new entry in the lucrative blogging market. It’s always good to welcome a new blogging product, and the Tucows folks are fun and delightful, but I wish their site made it easier to find out what’s new and different about Blogware. Where’s marketing when we need it? (Here’s a link to the Accordian Guy‘s blog introducing the new product, but I only got there because AKMA found it.)

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4 Responses to “The Price of AKMA’s Soul (Cheap)”

  1. FWIW, NetNewsWire’s delicious change tracking feature showed that it thought you had edited the original posting about AKMA and changed it into the posting “Airborn Computer Virus”.

  2. Hey, no one offered me a night of passion with RageBoy. Is it too late?

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