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Just back from the first day of BloggerCon. I was one of the ones for whom the connectivity didn’t work, and I’m really beat, so this will be fast: A fantastic bunch of people are there. The panels ranged from to very good. The hallway conversation was just great.

The panel I liked the most was on presidential campaign blogging where there were repeated questions that seemed to me to miss the point: the campaign blogs are not so much about the candidate reaching out to the “little people” but is the way the grassroots are connecting to one another. And that is very cool.

Then it was off to vegetarian hell for dinner: A Brazilian restaurant where they bring platters of meat around without surcease. But, I sat with RageBoy and Doc, my old Cluetrain buddies, and next to Britt Blaser and Amy Wohl, which more than made up for the meatiness of the cuisine.

Tomorrow BloggerCon is free and more conversation-y and less panel-y. See you there!

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2 Responses to “BloggerCon”

  1. I can’t be there, so you’ve got to help. Keep A Child Alive is a site+blog about…”linking committed individuals around the world with children and parents in urgent need of ARVs”…

    Alcia Keys (the recording artist) has written some pretty incredible entries about her travels in Africa and the effect they had on her.

    Listen, 5500 kids die every day. In the time it took me to do this post, a handful of kids bit the dust.

    We’re building out our blogosphere, and we need your help!

  2. BloggerCon Update

    I’m in New Hampshire, on my way back from BloggerCon (the blogging conference) in Boston and en route to Durham for the final stop of the Generation Dean tour. The conference was fantastic, with thought-provoking discussions on a variety of…

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