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Bye Carbs, ‘Lo Glyycemic Loads

Medical Bill Kosloski, having read my whining that the Atkins diet isn’t vegetarian-friendly, writes that low “glycemic load” diets are good for veggies and might work: they avoid foods that cause a rush of satiety followed by a trough of hunger. The chart is, of course, the inverse of my eating preferences because the universe is not just cruel, it’s petty.

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4 Responses to “Bye Carbs, ‘Lo Glyycemic Loads”

  1. Unless you eat fish or seafood, the atkins diet is impossible. If you eat fish and seafood and dairy products (cheese), you can do it as you can have some salad with your meal.

  2. ZONE DIET! 40% carbs (complex), 30% Protein (normal vege subs), 30% Fat + daily exercise (walking will suffice) – no processed flour foods – easier and healthier than Atkins

    dropped 40 lbs and have kept it off over a year – I feel great

  3. i blogged about adkins today… it’s better to use a more balanced, low calorie diet instead, such as the mediterranean diet.

  4. Unless you eat fish or seafood, the atkins diet is impossible. If you eat fish and seafood and dairy products (cheese), you can do it as you can have some salad with your meal.

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