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Lydon with the Dean Blogger

Chris Lydon interviews Matthew Gross, the guy who runs Howard Dean‘s blog. Chris calls Matthew “The Transformative Campaign Blogger,” and it’s hard to argue with that. I’m a huge fan of Matthew’s and this interview will show you why.

(“Show you”? What’s the right verb when it’s audible, not visible?)

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4 Responses to “Lydon with the Dean Blogger”

  1. Show is right. When you explain something to me with words and I understand, then I say “I see”.

  2. How ’bout just “demonstrate?”

    Although I would probably agree with James that “show” doesn’t have to involve vision. You can “show” a blind person how to do something with your hands, for instance.

  3. If the sound is verbal, as in this case, I’d say ‘show you’ could be replaced by ‘explain’ or ‘tell you’. If it’s non-verbal, like music, then I’m not sure what the auditory equivalent would be – probably we’re stuck with show or demonstrate. Demonstrate is synonymous with show.

  4. How about “in this interview, you can hear why.” It’s a bit more passive, but works.

    I may have to ask the folks on the Deep Listening list about this.

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