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File Sharing Discussed

There’s an interesting point-counterpoint on file sharing at Salon between Scott Matthews of Andromeda and Jason Schultz of the EFF.

TechDirt comments on the above…

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3 Responses to “File Sharing Discussed”

  1. Bittorrent unstoppable

    In today’s age, nothing is more valued than information and the speed at which it is delivered. Whether you are a music aficionado or a college teacher trying to distribute papers and reading material, you have used one form or…

  2. i have limewre,,name some that’s better…thanks… BOB

  3. I’ve been burned by several file sharing applications, bogus files, spyware/crapware that slowed my computer down. GigaTribe lets me share folders on my computer with friends and vice-versa and doesn’t carry any risk unlike those big guys…

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