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Republican Sweat Shops

From North of the Border, Michael O’Conner Clarke writes:

India’s Business Standard newspaper is reporting on the RNC’s ‘smart’ use of campaign funds – using low-paid sweatshop call centre workers in Noida, India to call up Americans and pump them for campaign funds to support the Bush re-election campaign.

The Republicans deny it.

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5 Responses to “Republican Sweat Shops”

  1. This story is getting spread around quite a bit, but the RNC says it’s not true at all. At this point, I’m not supporting any particular side in the upcoming election (still understanding all the candidate’s positions – though, Dean does look impressive so far) but no matter which side you’re on, you should want to point to facts and not fiction to make your argument.

  2. With respect, neither David nor I are really pointing to either fact or fiction here. We’re pointing to a report in a newspaper without attesting to the veracity, or otherwise, of the report.

    But fact or not, it is still a highly entertaining idea, imho.

    BTW, if you read my blog post, I also linked to the RNC’s rebuttal – the reader is thus able to make up their own mind, while I continue to cackle to myself in the background.

  3. Republicans creating jobs in India

    Although the Republican National Committee denies it, The Business Standard in India reports

  4. I would like to get more information about this topic. Sweat shops are deplorable.

  5. There is a business in New York City that is a scam. It is selling products of other companies like the “Little Giant Ladder” without permission. This company allows people to work for them by selling products throught the mail using ordering forms(brochures)for a commission. They don’t have any rules for employee I.D. and this is very dangerous with I.D. theft and terrorism. The strange thing is is the FBI is said to be in control of this operation now, this means they must have taken the business from crimnals and made it a front. But they are still collecting the names and addresses of customers and employees; this would be good if this were some kind of sting to catch criminals but I understand now, that it may be to collect the names and info of people who are contacting this business. Now, most of these people are innocent victims and trying to get discounted products or make a little money in a mail order business. If the FBI is doing a sting then they should have informed people who checked out to stay quiet and returned their personal info back to them. I feel the names of these customers/ employees are being placed in government files. This needs to be checked out.

    the address is:

    Wholesale Markteting Group
    130 Church Street., #125
    New York, N.Y. 10007

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