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Cost of tax cuts

According to a column by Scot Lehigh in the Boston Globe:

Phasing out the estate tax alone, for example, will cost the treasury $138 billion over 10 years, notes Robert McIntyre, director of Citizens for Tax Justice. Rate reductions for families earning more than $225,000 will equal $81 billion over three years, adds McIntyre, while the new break for dividend income will reduce the federal coffers by $70 billion over the same period.

Those are some big numbers.

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One Response to “Cost of tax cuts”

  1. It’s about time! The Federal Government does not have the right to use our tax money for anything other than the purpose of protecting our borders – national defense and having a court system to determine cases between states.

    Time for a simple consumption based tax system that collects for the Feds and all states.

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