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AKMA the Crypt Keeper

Good news! Based on a quick read, it seems that AKMA has offered to tend people‘s sites in perpetuity after they die for the low low price of $30! Sign up now! It’s such a bargain!

How does he do it? Volume!

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6 Responses to “AKMA the Crypt Keeper”

  1. crypt

    I hereby bequeath all rights, and most of what’s left of limature to AKMA. I’m fine about maintenance being outsourced to india or even bulgaria but as a disseminary colleague I’m hoping he can cut me a deal. Wisdom Wants to be Free!…

  2. AKMA’s Cyber Crypt

    David …


    It’s the Internet, somebody’s already doing it.

  4. Convergence

    Okay, so now I’m the eXecutor of Trevor’s online assets, too. Pretty soon, I’ll be stuck with the decaying remains of my entire circle of friends (it sounds as though Gary’s thinking that way). But Trevor — playing off the…

  5. you are the coolest person on earth

  6. Moi? Pourquoi?

    It seems as though France 2 is planning a story on “the global blogging phenomenon,” and I’m on their list of people who might be worth interviewing. They’re particularly interested in my reflections on bloggers’ electroni…

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