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Death Do Us Part

Gary Unblinking Stock points to an article in the Madison Capital Times:

When Sally Baron’s family wrote her obituary, they described a northern Wisconsin woman who raised six children and took care of her husband after he was crushed in a mining accident. …

…Almost in unison, what her children decided to include in the obituary was this: “Memorials in her honor can be made to any organization working for the removal of President Bush.”

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3 Responses to “Death Do Us Part”

  1. I guess she must have said something at the dinner table at some point during the past three years ?

  2. Blogspammer ID:

    coming to you live from brazil with a funky salsa beat, today’s blogspammer is not a lot to go on with this one, but since they’ve been hitting other things to push their service (such as it is) and…

  3. Blogspammer ID:

    coming to you live from brazil with a funky salsa beat, today’s blogspammer is not a lot to go on with this one, but since they’ve been hitting other things to push their service (such as it is) and…

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