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Blair’s speech

From a review in the New Yorker of Thirty Days: Tony Blair and the Test of History by Peter Stothard:

Faced with the overwhelming might of their American allies, the English take refuge in irony: When Blair asks how he should begin a televised speech justifying the war, his right-hand man suggests, “My fellow Americans…”

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One Response to “Blair’s speech”

  1. Enoch was right. If you listen to what he said, not what other people said or thought he said, you’ll realise he was making a plea to restrict immigration. Thus to avoid racial strife. Islam is male led religion, which makes so hard-edged. But a “no Muslims” immigration policy would have been as unacceptable then as it is now. In 1968, Mr. Powell said that allowing 50,000 dependants a year to enter Britain was insanity. Now the number is nearly ten times this. He was ignored and marginalized, and the rest is history.
    Britain, by pursuing a policy of multiculturalism has essentially committed cultural suicide. Blair is the descendent of the fools that implemented this policy. And can you believe what Blair said about deporting naturalized British citizens? The stamp, “Bearer has the right of abode in the United Kingdom” on a British passport is literally not worth the paper it’s printed on. How can you trust a country that will renege on its promises? If a naturalized British passport holder has broken the law in the UK, he/she should be tried in Britain, not deported.
    Black and Asian (non-white) immigrants are being treated like Jews in Nazi Germany; little wonder that serious resentment is festering. If the raciest thugs don’t get them, the raciest police will. And BBC’s report that football supporters (thugs) from clubs formally hostile to each other are putting aside their differences to find common cause in attacking Asians, is very disturbing. The possibility is that the police will hold back and allow Muslims and other minorities to be attacked. Discrimination and attacks against Jews in Germany became state sponsored, but it started covertly. Britain is facing social problems of epic proportion. Problems which are now insolvable, so anyone with the confidence and wherewithal should be dusting off their exit strategy, with nice, neutral Buddhist countries high on the short list. The housing market is still high as is sterling, so what’s stopping you up?

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