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Chris Lydon audioblogs me

Chris Lydon, who hosted radio’s best talk show, audioblogged me yesterday. This time Chris has divided the interview into three 5-minute segments (1 2 3). We talked about the new enthusiasm for the Web, the Web’s effect on Big Media, and why the Dean blog at is historic.

We recorded it at Bob Doyle’s place tucked away in Cambridge. The hallway is cluttered. The rug is worn. You open the door …. and you’re in a mediatech’s pleasure garden. Forty-five computers. Three T1 lines. In the hallway is a working 5-foot model of Merlin, the early electronic game Bob invented – the altar on which I sacrificed too many of my not-so-youthful hours. He also wrote MacPublisher, was a lead reviewer for New Media magazine, has a doctorate in physics from Harvard, etc. He’s now founded a company called SkyBuilders the tag line of which I love: “We build community computers.”

Lesson: You never know what’s behind a door.

By the way, at Chris’ site is a photo of Mary McGrath, a name familiar to the listeners of Chris’ show. What a pleasure to meet her in the flesh!

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