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New Linux Desktop

I’m continuing to poke around linux.

I’m not finding the Gnome desktop I’m using to be very predictable, so I thought I’d install the Ximian version (free, of course, although they sell a pro version for $99) just to see what it’s like. It’s a multi-hundred megabyte download that’s occurring even as I write this.

I’m getting more comfortable with mounting Windows files. Tonight I almost painlessly mounted the My Documents directory of my XP laptop and moved some files over to the linux machine. (Important lesson: Linux expects the name you gave the Windows directory when you first marked it as shared in Windows, not the actual filename. D’oh!)

Meanwhile, linux is still running like a dog on Valium. While looking around the Web for info on how to list processes (PS: it’s “ps” and it likes a nice “-ae” as a parameter), I saw a reference to “top” which dynamically shows the percentage of CPU and memory consuemd by each process. It says that I’ve got nothing very intense going on, yet the system lags even when typing. So, something funny is up. And not funny ha ha.

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