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After blogging about the ghosting I was getting with the hardware switch that’s supposed to let me plug two computers into one monitor, and after getting the usual helpful advice from y’all – how exactly did you get to be so smart – I’ve discovered that my monitor has a second set of video inputs. Look, it’s a big-ass monitor that’s angled into a corner and can’t be moved without rollers and mules, ok?

Anyway, there’s one of them 5-input connection sets in the back, which apparently is called BNCx5 or RGBHV (are those two the same?) and after poking around in Google Groups – always an experiment in guessing contexts – it seems that I should be able to get a cable that converts from the usual 15-pin video out into the 5-strand video in that I need. It also seems that the BNC will give slightly better quality at 1600×1200, so I should I attach my Windows machine with the high-end graphics card into it, not my new, minimal linux box.

How wrong am I getting this?

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