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[SN] New User Experiences

Cory Doctorow, who thanks to Atkins now weighs less than what I ate for lunch, is the moderator. The topic is innovation. Panelists: Merrill Brown of RealNetworks, John Ko of Cincro Comms, Kevin Lynch of Macromedia, RJ Pittman of Groxis and Mena Trott of Six Apart.

Mena: Interoperability is key. We have what we call the Philosophy of Yes. We say yes to just about everything our users ask for, and much of what our competitors ask for. We’ve had export in our tool from the day that it shipped.

RJ: Grokker organizes search results contextually, semanticallly, and does entity extraction. And can show you 5,000 results in a usable UI.

Kevin: We should have apps that rely on the local processing power of computers, not just servers.

Cory: What’s your blue sky conquer-the-world scenario? What does the world look like then?

RJ: We’re seeing the notion of the web browser starting to dissolve. HTML can be in lots of devices, but we’re even moving off of HTML. They’re building self-adjusting user interfaces.

Mena: In the future there has to be more transparent use of tools. Multiple devices, not just browsers.

Kevin: I hope everyone who uses the Web will feel like they have an awesome experience, which isn’t true now. And that we’ll see the Flash player in every device on the planet.

Q (Donald Weightman): MovableType is cool because it’s so modular.

[Sorry for the disconnected threads, but it’s a hard panel to generalize about.]

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