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Hatch the Pirate

According to Declan:

On Wednesday, Hatch came under attack for allegedly being a copyright pirate himself. His Web site’s menus use JavaScript code created by the U.K. company Milonic Solutions. Milonic Solutions charges between $35 and $900 for the right to obtain a license number for its JavaScript menu, but Hatch’s site does not include a license number. Instead, this comment appears in the site’s HTML code: “i am the license for the menu (duh).”

Hatch is, of course, the senator who suggested two days ago that enabling copyright holders to destroy the machines of violators would be a darn fine way to enforce copyrights.

The online world is so messy that we’re all pirates one way or another. Find a machine that doesn’t have material on it that even unintentionally violates someone’s copyright. Likewise, find a cubicle or a refrigerator door that’s pure. Find a copying machine that has never been used to violate someone’s copyright. Shall we blow ’em all up? Or should decide that computers are too inflexible to enforce copyright, whether it’s by not letting us copy a frame of a DVD or by melting our hard drives. We need more elbow room than a Terminator can ever understand.

Thanks to Greg for the link.

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