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Plugging the local PC store

I normally don’t write about my daily activities, but I’m so wrapped up in my little world of PC pain that it’s driven everything else out of my mind (except for the occasional negative book review). My computer crashed so hard yesterday morning that the crater on my desktop is still smoking.

The storefront where I’ve bought my last n computers really came through. No, they couldn’t salvage my PC, but they did manage to clone the drive with my backups on it. Tomorrow they’ll put together a new computer for me – a screamer, by the way – which I’ll then bring home and spend 30+ hours installing the software on. But this time, it’ll be with some confidence that it may last longer than 31 hours.

The store is ICG Computer at 358 Boylston Street (on Route 9 at Cyprus St.) in Brookline, MA. Ray helps you figure out what you need, gives you a great price, and remembers you the next time. His staff – two young hardware geeks – are ultra-technical and friendly. If you live around Boston, give Ray a visit the next time you need a computer. Phone: 617-738-5289.

And, no, I’m not bartering a blog mention for computer parts, you cynical bastards. It’s just such a relief to be dealing with a small store crammed with technical smarts after wandering down the double-wide aisles of the local computer megamart. Plus, Ray’s a good, honest hard-working guy…probably just like the people in your own local storefront computer store.

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