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[WSB] Blogs and/as Content Management

Speakers: Timothy Appnel, Mike Amundsen of, Bill French of MyST, John Robb of Userland, Willilam Stow of Tsunamin, and Adam Weinroth of Easyjournal.

The panel is trying to disambiguate blogs and content management systems. Blogs are a type of content but they’re tough to pigeon-hole. Willilam Snow warns about thinking about blogs are content to be managed. CMS is about control, he says, which will kill what’s valuable about blogs. Mike says, “No one talks about content management for email” and the same will happen for blogs and other content.

The panel generallly agrees that blogging will get so easy that it will practically disappear from notice: you’ll just do it. Tim says that we’re going to see more and more widgets for doing webby stuff, apps will be integrated, and blogging will be lumped in with other ways of putting stuff onto the Web.

(Meanwhile, I’m sitting next to Doc who squirms every time someone calls blogging “content.” In fact he just took the mike and said: “I write a blog. I don’t produce content. I do that on the john.”)

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