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Strategies and Tips

“Strategies and Tips for Business Blogging Success.”

I missed the first couple of speakers because I was decompressing from my keynote. Ok, so actually I was talking with Bob Frankston.

Halley describes how she came to blogging. She started writing about her father’s dying. Now, of course, her blog is lustily intellectual and intellectually lusty.

How closely should the content of a business blog be managed? Major Chris Chambers of the Army says that you should find “trusted agents” who will express themselves in appropriate ways. Halley was impressed with Chris’ blogging from Afghanistan; it had a lot of voice and established a “customer intimacy.” The Army uses a broad array of networked technology but not blogs, in part because of security issues. (Adina raises issues in her blog coverage.)

Greg Lloyd of Traction Software says that on the West Coast, police organizations are using weblogs as a way to pull together information from all over.

Don White says that the conference is more focused on personal expression than on blogs that are about expertise; the latter will drive blogging into the corporation.

Well moderated by John Lawlor of Blogs4Business.

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