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Hunting Down the Evil Doers to Their Tastefully Decorated Caves

Sure, Enron’s Ken Lay has escaped indictment for allowing his company to steal billions from its investors and turn its employees into paupers, but after a year of investigations we did manage to nab the pretty lady for selling 4,000 shares on a tip.

Totally irrelevant fact #1: Enron and its executives were the largest single contributors to W’s gubernatorial campaign, chipping in $312,500.

Totally irrelevant fact : “Enron was Mr. Bush’s biggest political patron as he headed into the 2000 presidential election.” And after the election, “Enron officials contributed $10,500 to his Florida recount committee, and when the recount was ended, they donated $300,000 for the inaugural celebrations”

Totally irrelevant fact #3: Bush has admitted lying about his relationship to Enron and Ken Lay: “White House officials had more extensive contacts with Enron executives in 2001 than previously disclosed, according to a document released by the Bush administration today in response to a request for information from a Senate committee.”

The Bush Policy initiated so successfully in the “War on Terrorism” has been extended to domestic policy: Villify and Distract.


Here’s a page that does nothing but list articles about corporate scandals from January 2002 on.

Chip points us to a Democratic Flash on how Bush’s tax cuts work out for the rest of us.

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