[BlogTalk] Jose Luis Orihuela
Jose begins with the parable of the copyist: After the printing press made scribes obsolete, monasteries switched from copying Bibles to making beer. “Thanks to the invention of the printing press, Europe has the best beer in the world.” The question for the media is: What will be our beer?
He has ten theses about the effect of the Internet on media:
1. From audience to user.
2. From media to content: It’s the content that counts, not the medium
3. From monomedia to multimedia
4. From periodicity to real time – we lose reflection but gain dynamism
5. From scarcity to abundance; now the scarcity is in the reader’s time.
6. From editor-mediated to non-mediated.
7. From distribution to access.
8. From one-way to interactive.
9. From linear to hypertext.
10. From data to knowledge.
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