Definitive Anagrams
WordWays, the increasingly odd journal of recreational linguistics, has an article by ANIL that consists of anagrams of words that define the words. He covers A-C in the current issue. Here are a few:
Abandon = A and no BAmbidextrously = mix at L/R body use
Amphitheatre = a hear-them pit
Astuteness = taut senses
Awakened = a dawn “Eek!”
Billiards = I rid balls
Capture = crate up
Circular = I curl arc
Cogito ego sum = micro ego gusto
Cough medicine = Chug, I’m codeine
No, none match the classic “Astronomers = moon starers.”
Have any favorites of your own?
At the WordWays site are some samples from the magazine, including some clever “word palindromes” collected by Will Shortz.
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