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Role of Technologists in Politics

The first two sessions of the Emerging Tech conference raised the issue: What should technologists be doing to keep the Net free and content open?

Here’s my answer, as profound as it is detailed:

First, technologists should make technology that supports openness.

Second, technologists should explain that technology as clearly as they can.

Here’s an example.

Right now, we’re in a battle over how controlled content can and should be. Everyone (?) agrees that creators ought to be compensated for their efforts. The question is: Is it necessary, fair and good for creators to always be compensated, in a one-to-one way, for every encounter with their works? Should we shut down photocopiers because sometimes they are used to violate copyright? Should we shut down VCRs for the same reason? Should we prevent people from lending books to their friends? Should I have to pay the author again if I choose to reread her book? Nah. But somehow the entertainment industry has persuaded Congress that any uncompensated use constitutes piracy. Technologists ought to convince Congress that the attempt to lock down all usage is either impossible or carries with it such terrible side effects that it is undesirable.

And then they ought to hack the control mechanisms.

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