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Literary bloggers

The discussion of authenticity and self and blogging leads me to wonder once again why no one is writing a novel in blog form. Or are they?

And which literary characters do you think would make good bloggers?



Emma Bovary

Cyrano de Bergerac

Mercutio but not Romeo

Huck Finn but not Tom Sawyer

Hester Prynne but not Arthur Dimmesdale

Daisy but not Gatsby

Blofeld but not James Bond

Spider-man but not Superman

Steve Himmer replies:

Aside from novels being presented via blogging software (such as Alex Golub’s and my own, there are actually a number of projects using the blog format as their basis. Some are listed here, and there’s also Plan B.

The best blognovels though (whether a blog can actually be a ‘novel’ or is necessarily a different form… I’ll leave that question alone for now) might be the ones that don’t reveal themselves as such, I think.

Thanks for the pointers, Steve. I actually meant to refer to people writing blogs that are fictitious (and not in any fancy POMO way) and that over time add up to what we would recognize as a novel.

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