Joho the Blog » How many pixels?
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How many pixels?

I’m afraid that when it comes to digital photos, I’m foolishly listening to obsolescent instincts. I’d like some advice.

Although my camera will capture images at up to 2.1 megapixels, I shoot at 1024×768 because then each image is only about 360MB instead of 830MB. Worse, I then compress the JPG’s to about 125MB because even when I zoom in to the pixel level, I can’t see any loss of quality.

Since I have 180GB of hard drives on my desktop machine, why do I worry about image size? Here’s my “thinking”:

I have a plain old Epson ink jet printer that does an ok job with photos but nothing special.

I don’t use “archive ink” so anything I print out is going to fade in a few years anyway.

Therefore, my digital photos are destined to be viewed on computer monitors. And uncompressed 1600×1200 uncompressed images don’t look any better on my screen than compressed 1024×768 JPGs do.

So, would increasing the resolution make my photos look better in some circumstances now? In the future? Will I regret my pixel parsimony? What type of fool am I?

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