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Apple Universalizing

Wow! Apple in talks to buy Universal Music. So many ways to go wrong and so many ways to go right! Wrong: View the combination of content, distribution and player as enabling a music lock-down strategy. Right: View the access to music as an opportunity to open up distribution and play with access/pricing models until they get it right.

I find Apple a mix of 100% wholesome open fun and the persistent insistence that the earth come to its senses and revolve around Cupertino. But this only means that Apple is not driven first and only by greed. As Doc has pointed out (including in that Cluetrain book), Jobs is about art. So, this will be a good, old-fashioned, unpredictable ride. (Think about how you’d react if you heard that Microsoft was in talks to buy Universal. Scary!)

More than cool! Actually goddamn fun!

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