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This explains it all…

According to a Harris Poll:

…half of all adults believe in ghosts, almost a third believe in astrology, and more than a quarter believe in reincarnation – that they were themselves reincarnated from other people. Majorities of about two-thirds of all adults believe in hell and the devil, but hardly anybody expects that they will go to hell themselves.

Really? I myself don’t believe in Hell but am convinced I’m going there. If I don’t go to Hell it’s only because God wasn’t paying close enough attention.

Here are the details of the poll’s results:

Many people believe in miracles (89%), the devil (68%), hell (69%), ghosts (51%), astrology (31%) and reincarnation (27%)

Of these, there’s one that is demonstrably, falsifiably false: astrology. Ack. So, what percentage believes in evolution? And how do the belief sets coincide?

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