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Swarming for Peace

Jack Bury, a 20-year old poet, is co-creator of a Microsoft IE add-in called Eyebees. If you join a “swarm” – people interested in the same topic – the add-in shows you the movement of all other swarm members as they go from site to site. Click on one of the dots representing a swarm member and you are taken to whatever site they’re visiting. It’s a visceral visual experience.

To join the peace swarm, download the Eyebees software from and join the “Eyebees March on Washington” swarm (under the category of “The Rally”) at Jack is suggesting that Friday at noon EST might be a good time to flock together for peace.

This software is way new. There have been a handful of downloads so far. So if you don’t see anyone in the Peace Swarm, check back later.

Writes Jack: “The enveloping presence of thousands of minds, tracing across the Internet Sky in strange union – hissing and livid and one in censure of war – would be a conspicuous, awe-inspiring sight of this next social revolution taking firm hold.”

John has told Doc that he plans to open source Eyebees. Good move. That’s the only way to get an idea like this off the ground.

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