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What a nice bunch of kids!

The Radisson I’m staying at in Austin has a single meeting room set up with ethernet Net access. So, last night after the excellent EFF party, which I left as soon as the band started up and all conversation ended, I went there to pick up my email. It was about midnight and a handful of 20ish guys were there, along with one similarly-aged woman. The guys turned out to be the band “Trouble Is” who were on their way to LA to play a gig at the Troubador (I think).

I’ve never heard of them, of course. But what a polite group of young people. They worried about my Net connection, apologized for “disturbing me,” and offered to share their vittles. After about 45 minutes, I gave them the “MP3 is not a crime” bumpersticker I’d bought at the EFF party and told them they were giving rock ‘n roll a bad name by being too polite.

And when they began talking about doing a road diary, I got to tell them about weblogs.

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