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World of Parodies

Stavros the Wonder Chicken parodies World of Ends. A sample:

The Nutshell

1. The Internet is complicated
2. The Internet isn’t a thing or an agreement : it’s a place.
3. The Internet isn’t stupid, but it’s filled with stupidity.
4. Adding value to the Internet adds to its value.
5. Value on the internet goes unnoticed unless some high-traffic node connects it to the mainstream.
6. Money moves to the greedy.
7. The asshole of the world? Nah, the world of assholes.
8. The Internet’s three vices:
  a. Americans dominate it
  b. The wealthy populate it
  c. More inhabitants does not automatically mean more value, except to those who want to sell you something
9. If the Internet is so complicated, why do so many seem driven to try and simplify it?
10. Some mistakes we can stop making already.

A tip of the coxcomb to The WonderChicken…

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