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SXSW Sunday Afternoon: Education

The education panel was disappointing to me, but only because of my own idiosyncratic interests. The audience seemed fully engaged, asking very particular questions and getting very specific answers.

The panelists came from companies that build interactive content. Fine, but I seem not to care about that very much. I care more about the emerging student-to-student engagement: using IM to do homework together, email to work on projects, etc. There’s such an opportunity to provide class-based collaborative tools and use these to fuel “knowledge portals” (i.e., “Let’s look up what last year’s sixth grade did for this project”). I’m sure there are companies doing this already. I would have liked to have heard from them.

But, then, that’s just me. It’s like going to Lessig’s session and wishing he’d talked more about car leasing programs.

(One of the panelists, 4empowerment, does provide discussion boards and chat rooms.)

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