Alpha Halley
Anyone with a grain of sense is at least conflicted by Halley‘s Alpha Male series. If you hate what it says, I’m not going to argue with you, although I will tell you that Halley isn’t writing it because she’s anti-feminist. Hah! I know Halley. Something much more interesting is going on.
Read the latest. Two memories vividly recounted, connected by the outwardness of day trips and the inwardness of casual love. Told through details. Personal and specific yet illuminating beyond its subject. Risky in Halley’s exposure of herself. Risky even in its style. It’s brave writing. If nothing else, give Halley that.
And then read today’s entry about how and why she writes.
Thanks for the link–Halley’s series is great, but (as I just wrote up in my blog), I prefer “Aleph” males.