Marlowe Bidforth
Posted on:: February 4th, 2003
Ray Bid writes to alert us to the online diary of a backpacker, Marlowe Bidforth, who is trapped in Borneo and at this point must be assumed to be dead. I also assume that the site is a spoof.
Why aren’t we seeing more fictitious weblogs? I don’t mean RageBoy‘s postings about being a babe magnet, but a genuine form of narrative fiction: daily postings from a fictitious character.
Categories: Uncategorized dw
This code should compile and run just fine, and you should see no changes in how the program works. So why did we do all of that?
Fictional Weblogs
I was reading the latest JOHO today when a little snippet caught my attention. David Weinberger had posted it on his blog earlier this month, and it started me thinking then, but since his JOHO is basically a rehashing of…