January 13, 2003
MIT SESSION 2: Moral Implications of the Web’s
On Tuesday night, 7-9, Building 1, Room 390, I’ll be teaching the second of three sessions of my mini-course at MIT. Here are my notes for your comments and improvement:
Three basic approaches to morality. Something is moral because:
(a) Deontological: it fits under a principle (e.g., many religions, natural rights)
(b) Consequentialist: something is moral based on its effects (e.g., utilitarianism, selfishness)
(c ) Virtue: Moral actions comes from good habits of character
How do we decide about moral philosophy? We see if the theory sorts known cases into the right bins. E.g., if utilitarianism lets us hang an innocent person, we’ll reject that version of utilitarianism.
But this means that we come into this with a sense about what’s right and wrong. At its root, IMO, this moral sense is a sympathy for others, a caring about others. This occurs within a shared world. Sympathy in a shared world — that is, a shared caring about our world — is at the root of morality.
This is at odds with the current view of sympathy as a “tuning fork” that vibrates in us as it vibrates in others. The current view assumes we are first and foremost individuals and wonders how we could ever get beyond the self to care about others.
Now look at the Web’s architecture. Links come first. Every time I put in a link to a site, I am sending people away from my site, a little act of selflessness and generosity. The Web is characterized by generosity throughout. The Web is a shared world created out of shared interests. It is fundamentally connected, sympathetic and moral.
Obviously, many immoral awful things occur on the Web. But its architecture reflects our moral nature. And it’s exciting to so many of us because of the promise it offers for moving the species forward not only technologically but also morally.
Are we more or less moral online? Are we the same?
Is the Web a reflection of who we are or a reflection of our “better nature.”
Is there a developing online ethics or ethos? In what is it rooted?
Can a technology be moral or immoral, or do the terms not apply?
Is the Internet political? Does the value-free transmission of bits have its own value? What did the Taliban make of the Internet? China? Fundamentalists? Are they wrong?
What’s the best we could hope for (= work for) WRT the Web?