January 3, 2003
Dept. of Boy, They Sent This Spam to the Wrong Guy

New George Bush 2001
Memorial Bill 9-11-01
Dedidcated To Those Who Lost Their LivesLIMITED EDITION!
These Collectors Items Will Stop Being Made Very Soon !!!Real Color, Size & Feel of American Paper Currency
The front shows our proud President, George W Bush. The back is dedicated to the memory of those lost on the day of infamy:
FDNY, Flight 11, Flight 93, NYPD, Flight 77, Flight 175, The Pentagon & World Trade Center
Everyone in America should own one of these. They make great gifts for all occasions and are a great conversation starter.
NOTE: This is not to be used as real currency this is meant only to be a collectible.
We’ve shead our tears, but Commander Bush has spoken! “You’re either with us or with the terrorists!” Show your support for our country and the people of New York by carrying one of these commerorative bills!
1 George Bush Bill $1.50 Plus $3.00 Shipping and Handling
10 George Bush Bills $12.50 ($1.25 each) Plus $3.00 Shipping and Handling
20 George Bush Bills $20.00 ($1.00 each) Plus $3.00 Shipping and Handling
When you go to the Geocities page this links to, you will find five items for sale:
Twin Tower Bills
George Bush Bills
Twin Tower Bills Matted
George Bush Bills Matted
Back Scratcher
No, it’s not a “commerorative” back scratcher honoring our heroic president or the memory of those who died. It’s not an item that declares every American patriot’s love of his country. It’s just a back scratcher.