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Sexual MisAdvice

“All Things Considered” last night had a report on the Bush administration’s attack on sex education programs that teach kids about contraception rather than only proselytizing for abstinence. The scary part was the degree to which our government is willing to ignore or twist science.

Hey, teaching kids that abstinence is an option is great. Still, if the government really wants to get it to stick, they should couple abstinence education with proselytizing for masturbation. It’s a winning combination!

Slate’s daily news roundup notes that W has nominated Jerry Thacker to his Aids Advisory Panel a former faculty member at Bob Jones University who has called AIDS “the gay plague,” etc. The offending phrases were recently removed from Thacker’s site, but Slate used the Web Archive to rescue the page before it was tucked into the closet, so to speak. It includes the following subheading:

Help for Homosexuals. A message on the nature of homosexuality and how Christ can rescue the homosexual. Includes statistics on homosexual behavior, tips for ministry to those practicing this “deathstyle” and information on the homosexual movement and its political agenda.

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5 Responses to “Sexual MisAdvice”

  1. From Bob Jones, that enlightened bastion of affirmative reactionaryism? For his next trick, Jerry Thacker will heal blackness…

  2. It works. I didn’t have sex in high school, and I masturbated often. Ergo, there *must* be a direct, causal relationship between me having the option of masturbation and me “choosing” not to get laid!

  3. For every step we make towards a better, more free society we take two steps back. Why can’t people just accept that sex is a fact of life now (90% of college students have had sex and lord knows the figure on highschoolers) and teach them about how to do it safely and if they are going to teach abstinance…atleast do it right. Guess for that we’ll have to get an intelligent, modern president.

  4. If only I’d known about abstinence, I may have waited until I was fifteen!

  5. I am klling the thread on when we lost our virginity because I do not want to be forced to lie.

    Thank you.

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