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AtroTurfing for Dollars

Yesterday, TheInquirer discovered the source of the “AstroTurfed” letters to editors endorsing W’s great leadership. But what’s so wrong with a site that encourages people to write letters and suggests verbiage? It happens on all sides of the spectrum.

Today, however, TheInquirer finds it’s actually more cynical than it at first seems. Letter-writers earn 5 GOPoints for each letter, with a maximum of 20 per day. The points can be redeemed for 12-pack insulated bags, a leather portfolio and other Fabulous Prizes.

In case there’s any doubt, the site acknowledges that it’s “a Web site of the Republican National Committee.”

[Thanks, Betsy Devine.]

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One Response to “AtroTurfing for Dollars”

  1. Of course its rigged! And you expected something else?

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