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Open Spectrum FAQ

I’ve put together a FAQ on Open Spectrum, based on ideas and info from Dwayne Hendricks, David P. Reed, and Jock Gill. It complements a paper on Open Spectrum the four of us collaborated on also. The Open Spectrum FAQ is a further attempt to explain the issues in a way that non-techies can understand. (In fact, my chief role on the project was to keep saying “Huh?”) So, I hope you’ll read it, suggest changes and additions, and link to it.

Open Spectrum is a big issue we need to get on the table now because piecemeal solutions — some attractive in their own right — are being put forward. This is our chance.
(Thanks for Greater Democracy for hosting it.)

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4 Responses to “Open Spectrum FAQ”

  1. Didja see the sf novelette I wrote about open spectrum that Salon published last week?

  2. Oh yeah. Fun and educational. Shall we call it fucational?

    We should link to it. Unfortunately, I don’t have ftp access so it may take a day or two…

  3. Anytime you feel like saying ‘huh?’ to my ideas is fine by me.

  4. Funcational! Thats a great name! You should copyright that or something!

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