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Landmark or Landmine?

The leading trade associations for the music and technology industries, which have been at loggerheads over consumers downloading songs on the Internet, have negotiated a compromise they contend will protect copyrights on movies and music without new government involvement. [AP]

And who was representing the customers’ interests when this deal was done?

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2 Responses to “Landmark or Landmine?”

  1. If this isn’t a clear enough example of corporate power triumphing over democratic power, I don’t know what is. $1 = 1 vote. We all just lost our fair use rights today.

    Now imagine in about two years, when even Joe Average “consumer” will be outraged that s/he lost all of the freedoms they once had with the media they bought, and it will be too late, as all devices will have DRM.

  2. exactly…

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