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Jupiter Weblogs…Almost

Stewart Quealey passes along a press release: Jupiter Research “will be the first research advisory firm to offer dedicated research analyst Weblogs.” The blogs, by five senior analysts, are listed here.

The content’s good: pithy, frank comments on the topics the analysts cover. But, with so much to read, I’m unlikely to go back regularly. Here are some suggestions I offer in the spirit of Good Bloggitude (do as I say, boys and girls, not as I do) to our new neighbors:

Don’t put one entry per page. Scroll them. Having to click back to the contents page does nothing but discourage further reading.

Get off your topics sometimes. I know you’re experts on “Client Access” and “Consumer Electronics,” etc., but if we’re going to get to know you, also write about the other stuff you care about.

Put in a blogroll. You do read other blogs, don’t you?

Talk to one another in your blogs. Disagree. Amplify. Tease. Anything.

If there aren’t some non-senior analysts at Jupiter worth listening to in a blog, then your hiring practices have failed. How about opening it up?

I’m glad you’re blogging and I enjoyed what I read. Really. But it isn’t yet really a blog because it’s not in conversation with other blogs. And for me, that’s the difference between a column and a blog.

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One Response to “Jupiter Weblogs…Almost”

  1. Kinda curious why most analyst firms will produce research reports and pretend that the open source community doesn’t exist? I would think that integrity would require analysts to look at the entire industry including both commercial and open source.

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