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Faking Scarcity

Dave Curley writes to let us know that

You will soon be able to check out e-books from the Cleveland Public Library, which is cool, broadly speaking. Of course, the devil is in the details: a limited number of each title will be available at any time. E-books – just like the real thing!

If there were e-drugs the way there are e-books, would we be ok with limiting access to them in order to maximize revenues for the drug companies?

Ok, so that analogy has some holes in it. I’m a writer. I’m in favor of getting paid for what I write. But this particular way of balancing the interests of the author and the public is such an unimaginative note-for-note copying of real world limitations that you have to believe there’s a better way to weight the scales.

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2 Responses to “Faking Scarcity”

  1. hmmm, not bad….*scratching head* but you’re right, maybe it could use a little reworking! but I’ll admit that you sure got my gears turning…..! :)

  2. It helped me immensely.

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