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Celebrate Halleyversary on Friday

Just got off the phone with Halley. Friday is the first anniversary of her blog, so we decided to organize a lunch party for any and all bloggers in the Boston vicinity.

Friday at noon at the International House of Blogcakes in Watertown (the one near the Staples). See you there! NOTE: We just changed the venue to Yenching Chinese Restaurant in Harvard Square! (Map)

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8 Responses to “Celebrate Halleyversary on Friday”

  1. Wish I could be there… couldn’t you have scheduled it during my visit to Boston last week?!


  2. David = I was thinking today we should make it more accessible for non-car people. Whattya think of having it in Harvard Square at Yenching Chinese Restaurant on Mass Ave up from Holyoke Center. It’s got a lunch special for $5.95 and I think it’s easier for ANYONE to get to. H

    Pascale=Bien desolee que tu n’es plus a Boston. Is that your real name? H


  3. Have we had any complaints from non-car people? Having announced it for the IHOP, changing it runs the risk of confusion.

    Also, I’m going to be 15 mins late to it. I forgot I volunteered for something at our local elementary school. Sorry.

    Also, we should send out invites to the locals…

  4. What fun!

    On behalf of non-car people, how would I get to House of Blogcakes by bus from Harvard Square (or is there a better route)?

  5. Give my regards to the old Yenching! Glad to know it’s still there. I ate far too many meals there during my seven years in Cambridge. If they’re still serving Szechuan Meat Sauce Noodles, have one for me.

  6. Scott, I must differ with you. Mary Chung’s dundun noodles kick Yenching’s Szechuan Meat Sauce Noodles’ skinny ass. And I say this never having had YSMSN.

  7. I can vouch for MC’s dunduns. So good they wiped out the memory of my soup, which I later asked for. I haven’t heard the end of that one.

    See you at Yenching!

  8. Yo, I was just thinking of Mary Chungs in Cambridge so I looked on the web and found these posts.

    I used to eat their dun-dun noodles every Friday back in the mid-eighties!

    I worked for Kurzweil Computer Products on Albany st., down the street from Central Square, near the Necco Factory.

    Mary Chungs is still there?

    I’ll have to drive in for some take-out dun-duns.

    Those were great back then!

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