December 9, 2002
Supernova: Microsoft
I was going to blog Daniel Lewin’s talk about .Net but Doc‘s done such a great job that I’ve got nothing to say.
Some fire as Marc Cantor and Dave Winer double-teamed Lewin asking that Microsoft “be a leader” and make their .Net schemas and API’s open. Lewin replied that you’re free to buy a Microsoft server. Not really an answer.
Dan Gillmor comments
He says Microsoft will have to earn trust. Given the record, that seems unlikely, but I also doubt it. Microsoft has so much power that it doesn’t need to care anymore whether people trust it.
Yup, that’s the issue. You don’t need trust if – just to take a random example – when a user loads the industry standard, monopolistic OS, she is given a message that strongly implies that if she doesn’t sign up for Passport, she won’t be able to get onto the Internet.