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Getting Past our Missile Shield

I have come upon certain information about a hidden weakness of the 10-missile defense shield President Bush has decided to erect to protect our country. Although some may call me unpatriotic or even a traitor for telling our potential enemies how to defeat the shield, I prefer to think of myself as a whistle-blower.

So, here is the one can’t-fail way to exploit the hidden weakness of our missle shield: Fire 11 missiles.

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9 Responses to “Getting Past our Missile Shield”

  1. Ahahahahahaha

  2. That, or stroll merrily up to the missile launch facility with one of the many, many unaccounted for suitcase-sized nuclear devices making their way around the world.

    But your way’s funny, and mine makes me sad, so I’ll go with yours.

  3. Bush should unilaterally demand that any and all evildoing enemies have the PC to only fire missiles properly equipped with homing devices. If not properly equipped, we’ll send them back.

  4. Does anyone remember that the missile shield was an idea that Reagan came up with all on his lonesome? It took his handlers by surprise when he announced it.

    Klaatu barada nikto

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