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Lott’s Racist Association

From Slate’s daily roundup of the news, by Eric Umansky:

The LAT’s [Los Angeles Times] Lott coverage had a nice bit of newspaper-speak. It mentions that he promised to reconsider his ties to the Council of Conservative Citizens, “a group attacked as segregationist.” A group attacked as segregationist? Any semi-conscious person would conclude so. (See for yourself: )

Lott has given speeches to the group over the years and has met with their leaders. According to the Washington Post:

In his speech [to the group], Lott, according to the newsletter, called the Citizen Informer, warns against the forces supporting government spending: ‘We need more meetings like this across the nation’ to offset these liberal pressures. ‘The people in this room stand for the right principles and the right philosophy. Let’s take it in the right direction and our children will be the beneficiaries'” (Thomas B. Edsall, The Washington Post, December 16, 1998).

Here are some excerpts from the page Umansky points to :

To a large extent, soft conservatives and so-called “neo-conservatives” have embraced the legacy of Martin Luther King and the civil rights movement. Nowadays, the average “conservative” policy maker thinks and acts like a bleeding heart liberal from 1963. …

The C of CC recognizes that European Christian heritage is essential for the survival of our standard of living and way of life. There is no acceptable substitute for the civilization that has evolved through the Greeks, Romans, Celts, and Anglo-Saxons.

Some “gems” from elsewhere on their site:

The burden of slavery will probably never be lifted from the white man. And yet, the real shame of slavery is that Africans were ever brought to America in the first place. No system of labor was ever more costly or cumbersome…

Rather than doling out government checks from welfare offices, an African Slave Reparation and Repatriation Fund should be created to undo the wrong that was done 400 years ago. Countries like Gambia, Senegal, and Liberia would receive a fixed bounty for every slave descendant who migrates to Africa …

Lott may never have meant, as happily charged in the press, that we would have been better off with a segregationist President, but I wish he had. It is true, and it is time someone says so.

The Sixth Law of God is a book that will stun even fundamentalist Christians! Pastor V. S. Harrell has researched the oldest available Greek Septuagint texts to prove that the Commandment against adultery is a law against race mixing!

Lott will be gone within a week. Having rejected segregation, the Republicans will turn with minty-fresh breath to the task of preserving the nation’s concentration of wealth.

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10 Responses to “Lott’s Racist Association”

  1. Could be that Strom is more of a public than a private segregationist. Check out:

  2. Someone is pushing it. Don’t onto thy own brethren. we are humans in this mortal world.

  3. I hate niggers KILL

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